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Senin, 09 November 2015

Recommended Linux and crossplaform software for productivity

There are some program that can be useful and used on many platform ( Android , Windows ,  Linux  and IOS ). You might have know some of them and even use them. Here I will write down 3  software I used so if you never know of them or search for some useful software for your work, you can try It down.

1.  Evernote

Evernote is a useful app for you to write down notes and sort them with tag to search them anytime easily. With evernote you can open your notes everywhere with the internet access.  When you write down your notes with evernote on your android gadget, the note will saved 'on cloud' and you can access them directly on your desktop with the evernote for window or via evernote web. There aren't Linux version for the evernote but you open it at your computer with  web browser (that is what I do).
Evernote is free , but you can get the paid version to get advanced feature and more capacity

You can get evernote on their official web 

2. Dropbox

If you need an app to help you save data 'on cloud' you can try Dropbox. There are some other 'Cloud storage' service other than dropbox but I find Dropbox is quite reliable when I used it with ubuntu , windows , and my android and Blackberry gadget. Installation is easy and supported for many platform such Android , Blackberry , IOS , Windows and Linux. You can get Dropbox for free. If you want to get more capacity , there are paid option.

 official website for dropbox 

3. Telegram

There are many chat application like BBM , whatsappLine  and many other. But Telegram is something you can consider to use. This app is light and easy to use , and supported for many platform like Android , Windows , Linux. The other good side with telegram is you can get many kind of interesting sticker for free. I like to use it on my ubuntu and gadget

you can get Telegram for free at their official website here :

Those are 3 recommended software you can try and I hope those would useful for you.

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