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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Beautiful Gemstone in Indonesia

Beautiful stone that attractive and appealing , charming people by its beauty. That stone often called asa gemstone. There are so many kind of gemstone in the world. The more beautiful and rare the stone, the more expensive the price are. Indonesia is one with many kind of beautiful and yet charming many kind of gemstone. There are many beautiful gemstone you can find in Indonesia. I will write it down some here.

1. Dragonscale / 'Sisik Naga Enrekang' Gemstone

This gemstone can be find in South Sulawesi in Indonesia. The gemstone have a motif like dragon scale . 

2. 'Kalimaya' Gemstone

Kalimaya gemstone is one of the popular gemstone in Indonesia. This stone is found at Banten Indonesia and have a unique beautiful colour. 

3. Red Rafflesia Gemstone

Red Rafflesia Gemstone has a high hardness. We can find Red Rafflesia gemstone between red and yellow colour . In indonesia , this gemstone can be found at Bengkulu

4. Bungur gemstone

This Bungur gemstone have a purple color like amethyst , clear and shiny. This gemstone is one of the favorites among people because of it's beauty. In indonesia , this gemstone can be found in Kalimantan and 'Tanjung Bintang'.

5. 'Anggur Api' / fire chalcedony gemstone

Fire chalcedony gemstone is can be found in Lampung Indonesia. This gemstone have a color between orange , yellow and white. The unique about this pale gemstone is when this stone get the light from sunlight , the color become bright Yellow.

6. 'Pirus Besi' Gemstone 

This gemstone can be found at Middle Sulawesi, have a toughness about 4,5 mohs scale. This gemstone have a unique pattern like fibers and can pulled by magnet.

7. Giok Natural Gold Stone

This gemstone is found in 'Tanah Gayo' Aceh, Indonesia and sold with a high price because of its rarity and beauty. This stone have a gold yellowish colour and toughness about above 7mohs scale. 

8. Batu Bacan

Bacan gemstone is one of the popular gemstone in indonesia. This Gemstone commonly has a green colour and found at Bacan Island Indonesia. This gemstone often said as live stone because have a quite fast crystallization process. This unique characteristic make this stone one of the hunted. 

9. Spiritus gemstone

Spiritus gemstone have colour of blue sky. This gemstone have a high price because it is hard to find. In Indonesia , this gemstone can be found at ' Baturaja '

10. Garut Green Gemstone

Garut green Gemstone is one of the gemstone with high price because it is rare and hard to find. This stone originally found at Garut , West Java. This stone have a high toughness level.

11. 'Bulu Macan' (Tiger Fur) Gemstone 

This gemstone have a unique pattern like tiger's fur. In the past time , this gemstone often used by royal family. This stone can be found at East Java Indonesia

12. 'Sarang Tawon' gemstone

This Gemstone have unique beautiful pattern like bee hive. Even this gemstone called 'sarang tawon' (bee hive), actually this stone is created from sea organism which crystallized in so long time. The color of this gemstone can variated from yellow, orange , red , green , brown, white , or black. 

13. 'Giok lumut Aceh' Gemstone

This gemstone have a beautiful semi transparent green color. This gemstone can be found in Aceh Indonesia.

14. ‘Cempaka Lavender’ Gemstone

This gemstone found in Aceh and have a purple color like lavender. This stone have a transparent body.

15. Klawing Gemstone

This stone found at Klawing , Middle Java. This gemstone have a unique pattern like blood color and about 5 colour. Some people also call this stone with ‘pancawarna Klawing’ gemstone

16. Kecubung / Amesthyst 

Kecubung or also known as amesthyst is a purple transparent beautiful gemstone. This gemstone have a high price and was a target of the collector.

17. 'Bio Solar Aceh' Gemstone

This gemstone can be found in Aceh, Indonesia. This gemstone have a unique characteristic that will have a water valve and green brown color like diesel fuel when get some light.

18. 'Ginggang Lukulo' Gemstone

This gemstone is one of the rare gemstone that about to extinct from the market. This gemstone found at Kebumen. Ginggang Lukulo have many variation. The unique characteristic of this stone is a line pattetn inside the stone like layers of water

19. Dareh Gemstone

Like this name , This stone is found in Dareh River at Sumatera. This gemstone have 2 variant. One is light green gemstone known as ‘pucuk pisang’ and the others have dark green color called ‘Kumbang Jati’

20. ‘Pancawarna’ Gemstone

‘Pancawarna’ mean many kind of color. Like the name, this gemstone have many kind of color that make a beautiful stipe together. This gemstone can be found at Java Island

You can find those beautiful gemstone in Indonesia. Hope you like it.


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